Nigel Lokan
Advocate Profile: Nigel Lokan
When Nigel Lokan received the all-clear from his latest brain scan, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face: “It means I get to live for another three months, and that’s something I’m incredibly grateful for now.
"Diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in 2023, Nigel knows the challenges of living with one of the most aggressive brain cancers—and the urgency of finding better treatments.
That’s why Nigel joined Brain Cancer Australia’s Consumer Advisory Panel. We’re grateful to have his unique perspective as a patient informing the development and rollout of the Australian Brain Cancer Registry. The Registry is one of Brain Cancer Australia’s three large-scale infrastructure projects our country needs to defeat brain cancer.
“We have to work together. We can’t have researchers working in silos. If we do, we’ll never make progress.”
Read Nigel’s story to get a unique perspective on the realities of brain cancer and why research and collaboration matter.